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MBL4 para Windows 7: Las características y funciones que hacen de este software de transmisión en vi

With Breakaway Audio Enhancer there is no longer a need to purchase separate audio enhancement plug-ins for each of your media players. Breakaway Audio Enhancer will improve the audio for all Windows audio & video players. It is the gatekeeper for good sound between any digital audio player and your speakers. Only sweet sounds get out.

mbl4 para windows 7

.WANTD-H MP.WANITO--$W A TO. aAM.Am -Mget to sell Natistsewaber best a" chlpeON made: Over 600 e: washes sA drida tn mietes; sonaama er bebendishes, aw ; sells an akerit; va all: eanBy eveested; also nasw other gera sellera. WeDpt. 4, World Mfg. U., W3, Couzaubs, 0. ItWANTED-4CIT SARS4DIAN FOR WAnSHL4TMMto represent the mantfacturers. Harnem andbdwai e speealities. 3me stamp CENTAURMFG. Co., C-ricago. itWANTHO--AN EEPERIENCED IAN TO TAREthe af a are bicrcle bsie .Adbss 'emr, Star estee. sab4-2t*WANTED- A YOUNG MAN NOT UNDER IS TEAMot age as helper at paper Ianging; a good cwcameto eera 'Le besiess hart class. Address D. N. J.,Star eigee. It*WANTED--A YOUNG MAN WITH TWO OR TEIRyears experience in drug bustness. Ayp%.atUS PA. are. a.w.WANTED--A FEW LIVE MEN TO INTRODUCEhousehold specialties to censamers; experience notneesearv. Apply com 2, 0 7th at. E&w.mhl4-3a*WANTEY)-$5 PER WEEK AND EXPENSE TOsell cigars; experience unnecessury; tspecial indwcement;. VALLEY CIGAl CO., St. Louis, Mo.ItWANTELL-TWO STRONG BOYS TO LEARNtrade in bottling shop. Address, "GOOD Bo."Star oc. ia*WANTEI--A COLORED BOY TO GO TO PHILAdelphia. Not over 15 years old, to do housework.Cali 21) Ea t. n.w. la*WANTED-AdENTS, EVERYWHERE. OUR WONderful no6itka pay $1 daily sure. No experiencerequir. d D -mfad nlivr suppil d. Caalcgua tree.Sample, 1ti-. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO.. 333Brea-1.vay, New York. fe22-s.21t*WANTEDAAGENTS--$U WEEKLY SALARtY TOright partl-s; little work, a snap for some ene;new schemue; failure impossible; write for specialtinL Lack Bo 630S, Boston, Na..1 m.w.s.4mWANTEI-AT CITY INTELLhENCE OiFiCE,cooks. porters. .!rivers. chambemna:d%. laundresses,waiter". uurses. laorer, ys. rd ener.; placesfor. till sulted. SHACKLEI lR*S. 427 lth n.w.1mh5-12a*WANTED-MAN TO MANAGE OFFICE IN WASHtWton. D. C.; salary. $l.500. payable monthly;$1,000 cash capital required; references exe-anged. 862 Seneca at.. Buffalo. N. Y.mhl2-3t*WANTE-$60 TO $150 PAID SALESMnEN FORcigars: experience urnecessary: vxtra inducessentato custotmra BISHOP & KLINE,mh2-2ft St. LouIs. Mo.WANTED-WOMEN COOKS. $15 TO $30; LAUNdrees, maids. waibes.s, nures, general boseworkes and all kinds of hotel help, at once: newerder. d.ily. DICK'S AGENCY, 613 7th at. m14-btfWANTED-A CULTURED AND REIED YOUNGlady to derote an hour at hoine daily to cosmenialawl profitatble business correspondence; one interested in bicycling preferred. Address IANUSCRIPT, care T1e American Wheelman, New York.itWANTED) EOMPETENT GENERAL HOUSEWORKgirl: must stay ights. Apply 1312 M at. n.m. It*WANTE-AN EXPERIENCED COOK AND Agod waitress; white; references required. 32 B-at. D.e. lbWANTED--WHTE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork In family of two. Call at 29 New Hampshire ave. n.W. IbWANTED-A WHITE COOK, AI.SOa chambermaid; best city references required.Apply Immediately at 102 Vermont are. 1bWANTED-WLITE WAITRI0S, Go WITH FAMfly to Florlda; German nurse, 2 chambermaids. 3child's nurses, 3 conks, 4 general workers for faimfles: alo an kinds botel help. 614 13th n.w.nh13-3b*WANTED-TWO WRITE GJIRL, ONE FOR CHAMbermald ad waitress, other as nurse; must becompete-t; wage, $10 per month; references.Adilreas Box 96, Star olce. mhlI-3tWANTEIP- WOMAN, WHO IS A FIlST-CLASScook, 'or general hosework in small family.Apply 2114 Ward place -l.w. mhI3-2b*WANTED-TWO GENERAL AGENTS; WOMENpreferred. Also local agent. CORET WORKS,Ann Arbor, Mki.. mh4-w&A4tMAL 0E FE3A0La.WANTED- THE "HOrrLnt-PITEZEL CASE." BYDletective Geyer. A true detective story ofthrilling interest. Golng like wildilre. Agent'areining rwoney. Send circular or end 10ants for complete outfit. P. W. ZIEGLER &00.. Philadelphia. fmah14-s&w4tWANTED-ALL MEN, WOMEN, ROTS ANDgirls. willing to work for $18 a week, senld addrt-,. to HOWARD EFG. CO.. Providence. I. La l12-tkWANTED-STENOGRAPHERS AND REMINGTONtypewrite, operators directed to positions; EMPLOYEILS re.A.d-d competent steagraphers andRemi ton o*.tars; no charge for services.WYCKe FF, SEAMIANS & BENEDICr, RemingtonTypewrtear Olitee. 8th and F sts. n.w. nol2-ettWANTED - STENOGRAPiERS AND "CALIgraph." "Densmore' or "Yest" operators. Enployers provided with competent ateo erand tyewriter operators tree of charge.UITYPEw -NOAND IUPPLES CO., 1421 st.n.m- mhll-tfWANTED-HOUSES.WANTE- HAVE $4,500 IN CASH TO PAY FOR AOice h"ome0 i0 the n.W. Will owners polease writeMe, giving location and description? L. B. S.,Star e.E - it*WANTE-N HOUSES TO RENT AND SELL. Ihare constant inquiry. Yours any suit.JOHN L. WEAVER,mh14-3mn Cor. F nnd 8th n.w.WANTE-TU RENT FROM OWNER, BY APRIL1, house in A-I order; not less than 6 mooms;storites; cellar; large yard; furnace beat; permanent if suited; small family; rent must bemoderate; references. Address Itx 6, Star onlce.mhl4-2t*WANTED-A FUl HOUSE OR ISr FLOOR; TOke occspied by a phyrteian; house mst be northof Pa. ave., nad the nearer F mt. the better.Address J. 'I COWDEN, Star ofee. mhl3-tfWANTED-HOUSE; AIBOUT S ROOMS; NORTH OFK st. and west of 14th at.: must be in goodrepair. with mlern convenienecs; beat referenes.Addiegi OME&.A. Star lice. mhlo-5t*WANTED-INTERVILWS WITH OWNERS WILL.'tg o exchange equities in ineumbered property(northwest, for -lear property and same cash.Large 'tiea preferred. E. C. RIAUSIGRA 1410U st., main dloor. fe.S*-tfWANTED-ROOMS.WANTED-BY GENTLEMAN, NEATLY FURaished room near nm.. 201th anad N stm. AddresslBox 41, Star nice. It*WANTED-ROOMS AND BOARD FOR MARRIEDceople near Miclherson or Lafayette squares; refa.* changed; semi terms to W. W. B., 504 10th n.m.VATEIL-APIL 1, BY MAN AND WIFE, 2 OR. itlyIfunshed or unfurcishedt room; hoard orP . buekeb ptddress F. S. 1}., Floor 'B,"PERSONA LTIlS WILL BB NO "DUMIB LUCK.'' F' FOLlows a a natural eenseqaence that when yohave oscall you receive full cash value forsis' leto mA. ts. Drop that potal.D'Et.'rivh-Wg WANT A SIAN IN EVERY LOc-alty to act as private detective under instruclies; exrperieace annecessary: contract and quraniee furnished members. Address CO-OPE -IVE DETtrivE AGENCY, Nashville, Tenn.W. WILLLIMS AUITHORIZE-D PRIV ATE DETECtIve -c- CotIldential comunicatons promptlyauett ito; ocge epen all hours; beat ref.. Established 1't0- Set., 9ib F t. n.m. mh-lm*wUPmt.LUOUS HAIR.-WRTF, FOR3 FR.EE DNformation heor to rear.r hair permanently witheat f lightest Injury to skin; fvoto electricdel.C'TIB CO, ls5 t. Catge,A BRAND-NEW UPRIGHT PIANO, ONE OF THEbest make., wm h. asM to., byer far12 a week,Smb?-dt1 Bo 146, Star eaee.HORSES AND VEHTCLES.TO BUY, Se.- OR EXCHANGE HORECARer ara gotothe WASH. HREANDm nAEans an a, 910 Ia. are. The largeststeek of earn. a this edty, consistlng ot entesiaontop erra mp-suaeat rocekaways, ladies'phaetes, huges, ad elivery wagons,and barm. Aneti ol f hores, and earringes every Twseay, Thursday n Saturdaymhl+3Sawlm_____S. BE.SING, Anetiomeer.S ALENEW IDU.DOOR MILK WAGON,- n new gaetee's wages; all any own make; alsoseveral aecord-hand wagana. T1103. E. TRASSmE, rear et sme. car. Pa. ave. aned% si:FOR SALE-I PAIR OR BAY HORSEB; SBLACK; yars ol; 15% hands hIgh. Ham.Ionme,acromtdrivers and broken to driveinae er mge; boto them exceptio.ny wellband, helapaii and never b aor ffered flor-l. Thee hease are absistely aound and withest Nanish. Far further tbfurmation pl toTHOMAS HAaRVEY, Damfilom, liam- a.GmmTimAN RAY3NG NRW RADaN gBaa&Miwith the rom hr eesehma, daes to basoaansd besse; or wmMml rent out stable and-u 'sARmRI G :Str ye.- -: dNOR SALE-4 EEN-WAONS, BUGGISE6 CARrigsand har.e.s ot anl style., .a pee. t...iIh tee;-h balso b and wags left to beadM: bhe sangaba, SW' Dt. amw. mhb-Ss*gym aarz-, sDenav DJggyggRTubpg. y to A. 1. sanLmeN se D it. amw.Se aLUSa tso'sLEmK A LAluAU, 3ar8 aase - adQ000K& M t. aw., r w WANT GD Woan eanes MUa azem W- IL m..WA's' anuai U! AaN.a R AMg1-7Si te fAke Pn i is. =10etcmAdir -neA.NrU4 n..... n4y m1neh,ret. h T Md. m eWA3%TED-BY LADY' OF BEST SOCIL0 . S01.tin, without toeumbraue., who Is educated, goodreader and musdcal Sebolar (vocal anl taitrdmental, an eangmet in achuol or enmy asteacher or en p.LUI; ne objection to traveling.AdIress iMPANION R., Star ofeice. mh14-3e'WANT1U-BY 2 WHIEI' GIRS, ONE TO Dhousework and make hersel fmet- In -11l tamlly; the other an apprentice to learn dressmaking5%118.t. .w. -10*WANTEII-BY EETTLED WOMAN, NyT AFRAIDt week, situntion as howeekeeper Ia hotel ege-t=e'sd home, where they have other help;wil leave city. Adire ms Gll.ART,Star oiee. is*WAIXJW^PLACW FOR SEAMS'RUNi MAIDSurses, butles, eesebmen, waitresses, laurdresscooks, general workers, with city references.LADIES' EXCHANGE, 614 13th nw. mhI4-3e*WANTED-FLACkS FORHIGH-CLAM 'ItlVATE FAMILY HELP.All capacities: while or tolored: city refs.mhl4-3e* 'LADIE' EXCHANGE, 614 13th a.w.WANTED-BY EXPERT DRESSMAKERl, WOREby the day; terms moderate, and best references.Address MARTHA, Star office. m1--20'WANTED-BY A GENTEEL WHITE GIRL, PLACEas chambermaid or general housework; will stayat night. Call or address 67 12th St. n.w. le*WANTEI-l YOU AVANT A HOUSEMAID. WAITItESS. NURSE. COOK. LAUNDRS. BUTLEROR COACHMAN, WITH REVERIENCM, CALLAT DICK'S AGENCY, 613 7TH ST. mhl4-etfWANTED-PCSiTION BY YOUNG LADY WIT1experIence lit title insurance company, also ispension attorney's adice; good penman and typewriter. Address Box f, Star oilce. mh13-3eMALE OR FENMALE.WANTED-TO FURNISH THE BET uP IWashington; men, boys, houaemalds, nagres andcooks; all with reliable ref. CAPITOL HILLINTELLGENCE OFFICE 4th anl Pa. ave. s.e.mh2-imoWANTED - MRISCELLANEOUS.WANTED-HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR1d gold, silver. watches and jewelry of all decrITh. Ary amount bought. J. SELINGER,u., i r. 516 V at. a.w., opp. patent ofice.mhkl4-15t'WA.TED-WE BUY AND SELL FURNITURE,Carpets, Stoves, etc., new and second-band, at reliable cash prices. JUNCTION FUUNITUltEHOUSE, 7th and Masa. ave. n.w. mihl4-tfWANTh-HiuHGHEST CASH PRICES IAID FOLOLD GOLD 1ND SILVER. The -mal-est quan.tity tl ught. Old and new jewelry, watches,spocas. mestilated colns, dentist gold and platitn, Ae.. bought, or any article contai n goldor silver. FERD. LOEWENSTELN,BUYER OF OLD GOLD AND SILVFR, 815 G st.n.w.. opp. patent office. Estb. in 1875. it*WANTED-INiiTRUI'IoN IN ELErtiCITY BYstudent, where he can earn current expenses.Address ELEtl'MIGAL, Star ofice. It*MANTED-EXTENSION-IP SURtREY, HOltFsKhan csA, etc. Address, stating prire, etc., Rt.WREY, Star Omer. it,WANTED-A '95 OR '96 BICYCLE; IN FIRSTclass order; state price. Address BICYCLE, Staroffie. it*MANTED-OLD HAIR MAITRESSM RESIADEfor $1.75; three, $150; live, $1.=5 each; withnew *ick, $4.15-until April . Work irst-cLassand on short notice. A. CARTER, 1125 20th st.n.w. mhl4-3t*IAANTED-TO RENT A STORE AND DWELLINGsuitable for bar rw^m, where signatures for transfer of license can be obtained; not In S. W.J. B. B.. Star ofre. mhl4-3t*WANTED-HOtIIES TO BOARD OR PASTURE A'Beale's stock farm; lame horses taken; terms reasomuble. Apply to DAVIDSON & DAVIDSON.1338 F; on premises., or tox 15, College Park, Md.mhl4-3mNVATNED-A LOT1 OF MAGIC LANTERN SLIDES;stanslard size; colored preferred. Addfess L. E.H. M., Star offler. It*WANTED--TO LEASE GELDING THAT CAN RL-Na mile In 1.47. Address Box 172, Clarksburg,W. Va. itWANTED-M. E. FRICK, MODISTE. 511 11THst. n.w. Models now on exhibition. Fancy sleevegiven to each visitor. Patterns cut to measure,25c.: one week only. It*WANTED-TO RENT, A BUILDING THAT HAS ALoller and engine in it. Address, stating rent andlocation. P. 0. Box 3o, Washington. D. C.mhl4-3tWANTED-TO BUY, A STEAM BOILER AND ENglne. Address, stating horse power, P. 0. BoxV1. Washington. D. C. mhl4-StWANTED-IF YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE P.pered, call and see me; rooms papered for $2.50up; you can save at least 25 to 35 cta. on thedollar. CHAS. V. SILENCE, 301 H st. n.e. 22-24t*M ANTED--W. RICE, 1332 7TH ST. N.W.--I WILLpay the hightst cash prices for ladies', gentsand el-Ildren's east-of clothing and shoes andhats. Address postal and I will call. mhl4-6t*WANTED-GENTLEMAN OWNING FINE SADIfLI;hSe would make very satisfactory arrangementswith some one who would like to ride two orthree times a week. Address B. B. B., Star offlce. mhl4-2t*WANTED-IT KNOWN THAT FULL LINE OF ALLthe Battle Creek health foods can be obtained atthe BA'TIE C mUr SANITAltIUM HEALTHFOOD STORE. Unfermented wine. 1332 G n.w.fel2-3mWANTED-BIG PRICE PAID FOR OFFICE ANDstore fIzture and all kials household goods, goodbooks. Write to me before seeing others. H.POSENBURG, 8th and D n.w. fe27-18t*WANTED-TO PURCHASE A WELL-ESTABLISHed undertaker's braine.. Address UNDERTAKER, Sta- oce. mhU2-3t*WANTED-1,000 LADIES' AND GEINTS' SUITSto clean or dye; gents' suits cleaned, $1.00; costs,50 eta.; pants and vests, 25 ct. each. Bestwork guaranteed. Estab. 1866. Send postal;wgnwill calL.-6t* c L. H. POSEY, 1119 14th at.WANTED-PAINTING AND DECORATING; ItOOMSdecorated from $10 up; designs and estimatesfurnished freely. CHAS. ERNST CO.,nah6-11m 1216 F st, n.y.WANTED-R. SELINGER, 1424 7TH ST. N.W.-Iwill pay the highest cash eris for ladies'. gents'and chlidren's cast-offclti, shoes and hats.SAddress postal and I will l mh4-15t'WANTED-OLD U. S. POST'AGE AND DEPARTmeat stanmp, purchased In any quantity and thehighest cash re btainable pid; collectionaalso wanted. . DUNKBOES, 1006 7 st.*WANTED-TRY RUBBER ROOF PAINT.WE STOP ALL LEAKrS FREER,NA. RB ROOF PAD CO. lO 3t n.dm1-trCOUNTBY REA L ESTATE.LDON'T LEif THIS FAlli GE AWAY FROM YOU-4S ACitES. half w1between Baltimore andWaahington;-price $3,SAMUEL BEALM*EAR,Room 306, FidelIty Building,inh14-3t* Baltimore, Md.POR SABE--14 ACR11R AND SMALL. HOUSE; 30)minutes from city- 1 mile from Important railroad station; very 6ii; beautifoal location; price,$500; $3010 cash, tol.h suit. Farm of 12%acres; 1%( miles from same station as above, withan S-room house; .good harn; well of good waterIn yard; a plenty of running water on farm fromnever-tailng spring; abundance of fruit andshade; price, $1,500. E. U. PERKTNS, 5121F n.w.1t*FOR SALrE-NLY %OF A MILE FROM station, 8 miles from Washington, elevensacres; six-roomed dwefling, halls and porch; onhigh elevation; fine grove of oaks; varieties offruit; sprng and well; good outbnuinga. Only$3,200 to quikrrhsr AplNto &C.mbl4-St ,4di2 6th at. n.w.FOR RENT-APRIL 1-40 ACBR (85 CLEA.BEradoest vegetable garden land; 1% miles from city;on Wahlatou andl Baltimore pike, opposite AvaIon and Iangdon Park; sna1l house, stable andlwoood water' rent, $15 per mouth, in adpartis need apply W.. "DOUGHY, 1214th at. s.. 1t*FOR REYT--FURNISHUD (WETAGE; CHARIHNGsituation; within walking distance of Relay Statlon, B adO. R.LR Apl to. Y.Z.,St. Dennis P. 0., Baltimore es., Md. mh14&21*FOR 8*T5-BY OWNER-EIGHTY-ACE FARM,to the set peeoctive and thrifty section oflPrimeee 's on., Nd.; boeated on county rosd;esessd bystresam of water; soil rich, deepad well drained; no builings; beautiful buildiagsite, with erat-growthim sade trees; eleven n'lleuborn Wah ; one mie from B. and 0 stati..,sad three minutes- walk fro.W----s sdBaltim... electric road. emstsmit parchaser. YmerKER & BAKER, 111d F steaw,FOB SAE.-BICYCLES.ElW! RECEEVED A SHIPMENT OF THE WORLD.I.ENOWN4ED ST3aR1S0 RICY ''THE YElLLWWFEIA " STNAD H r OF THEWORL. TE DEIGH OF HEPAST RIDEIL.PRIE,$I00. LACOBS BROTHLER.122Fmg SALE-HIGH-GEADam WHmm; '186 MIAUnot enly up to date, but a little ahend; $48en; cash. (hIl en A. 3. CARPENTEB, 14th andte., Mt Piemen. nah0-6t*FOR SarI3-'5 VITOB; UENGLE-TUEE ThuBIS. Ne.$aJ an, $6. emnw., sgest hsr Nsai. 0,, Nd. teN-i'FOR 5ALE-if WIL, PAY YOUJ TO EBAL WlTRthe eek . .ms.... .l,e..-emiesandese. U es-srle SALB.-BECW; I.S PATTERN; WBNew Paces. menkfr?mWI ra-vo -L A i3ma. 2 baautil VW a mtn Wboo aprivate mM.bue IoNM RN a-m LUM T MOM NUI ,1Solu rbe Se t" gmstleeiwn; apI.- ' Alires M., sat"ML. ISta .0mI.FOR REUNT-A HANDSOMELY FURNSHED SE.end-story ftnt room, in private famiy; no otheiloemrs; w 5; gentlemani preferred. AdrS. IER"Str011ca- UFOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS; VERY REASmable. 914 16th at. n.w. it*FO RENT-TWO PULNIHED COMMUNIDATIng rooms. for bouekeeping; beat, gas ad bisp;a&so one digle room. 46 jer month; no eldieaApply 1248 8th et n.w. mni-fl.*FOR RENT-FURNMErE ROOMS ON2D 1I00R;front and back; bot water bath- beat; -* attention; central locality; $5 totn.W. -It*FOR RENT-FUl., A 2D)TORY FRONT ROOMlarge cloeett; pleasant and convenient; beat andgas: rent ret sonable; suitable for single gentieman. 1718 14th St. n.w. mhl*4-2aFOR RENT-FUL, LARGE 2D-FLOOR FRONIrotm, with or witLout board; 2 gentlemen prefarred; private family. 176 Mt at. n.w. lot*FOR RENT-1344 It ST. N.W., NEAR THE CUI.ner of 14th, and convenient to cable cars, 2 nicely fur. communicating rooms, with good taleboard; moderate terms. mrhl4-mlimXFR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN Arefined family; excellent location, between Pen.sion and Printing Office; with or without board;terms resonable. 816 New Jersey ave. mh14-2a'FOR RENT-AT 234 31) ST. N.W.. NICELY FURabdhed rooms, single or en suite; suitable forgentlemen or man and wife; no children; reasonable terms. inh13-3t*FOR RENT-THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, SiNgle or en suite; heat and gas; private family;no finer location in city; ref. required. 1744 Qst. mh3-3a*FOR RENT-EDUCATiD GERMAN PRIVATEfamily has nice, healthy furnished parlor andsmaller 2d-story room; excellent Loard; all conveniences; price cheap; table board also. 12111oth at. afw. mhl3-2t*FOR RNT-SUITE OF WELL-FURNINIErooms. on 2d or 3d floor front; suitable for en.tlemen; private bath if desired; references exchanged. 720 20th &t. n.w. mhl3-2a*FOlRRENis K sr. N.W., LARGH NICELIfurnished front rooms, aerend floor; also singlerooms; suitable for gentlemen;- central location;private family. mhT3-2a*FORt RLENT-ICELY FUINISHED ROOM, IN RE.fned private home; excellent location; first-elan.table board near; terms rtsorable. Plense call1922 U at. n.w. mhi3-iwlFR RUNT-VElY LARGE SECOND-STOR1front room; would nccommodate three people;$18; also three smaller rooms at' very modeateprItes; with or without board. 10 Grant place.mbl3-2&*FOR RUENT-TO GENTLIIEN ONLY-ONE HANDstanely fur. room; heat, gas, bath; small family;no other roomers; ternus reasonable. 1426 tIlat. n.w. mh3m4n*FOR RENT-TWO NICELY FURNISHEI) FIJONTrooms; cabinet mantels; electric lighting; fourlarge windows in ea-h room; in the most fashionable part of city; with or without board. 2106O st. n.w. -i' ' .h10aFOR . IUNT - FURNISHED - 2D-STORY ROOM -south exposurn; heat, gas, &c.; near G. P. 0. andconvenient to car lines. 814 &a1 st. n.w. mhl2-3t*FOR ltRNaT-NICELY FUltNISHED ROOMS Oi1st and 2d lors, in house with a.m.i. Apply at1012 13th at-. mh-Ot*'FOR RENT-S0'J12TH N.W., RACK PARLOR ANDbed room adjoining; hall room on second door;also dining room and kitchen; auitable for 0caterer. Posseaslon at cee. mh9t*UNFURNISHED.FORL RENT-UNF-t'NISiED, TWO NICE BRIGHTfront and back rooms, with bulctny; convenient tothree :ir lines; private family. 602 K dt. n.w.,opposite park. mh14-3h*FOR RiENT-0i12 EAST CAPITOL ST., 2 LARGE.bright, co mmnicating rooms; south front; carmand herdlki pass the door; no children. It* .FOR RENT-3 U.NFURNISED, ifPAIRTLY FURlnished rooms and bath on second floor; convenient to cars and herdles: suitable for lighthousekeeping; may be seen Sunday. 911 N. Carolina ave. s.e. Ib*FOR lENT-SKl'ARATELY OR T-1JETIEIt, 5 1)sirable, n-wly papered, unfur. corumunicatingrooms In English basement house; entire Ed our,2 rooms. $30.50; 3d floor, 3 rooms, 12.50; lighthcuse keeping. 415 G. Et. n.w. mhl2-3t*FUll RENT-A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, WITHout children, people of retinenient and good socialpceition, occupying a 10-room corner house, overlooking park, desire to find a similar party to takeliart of the house; rent low. Addrms -NORtbTIWEST, Star office. mh12-]b*FOR RENT-4 OR 5 ROOMS, SECOND) FLOOR;light housekeeping permitted; rent reasonable;gas, heat, bath. &c.; references. 920 N st. 2-btfFOR RENT-SUITE OF 6 ROOMS. WITH BATH;&d and 4th feor; Pa. are.; sultable for housekeeping or offices; rent, $35 per mo. Apply aoprenrises to F. CRIOCKER, D39 Pa. ave.; f 22-11FLRNISHED OR UNFLRNIbHED.FOR RENT-1125 N ST. N.W., FUINL'*IED 011unfurnished roms. mhl4-3c*FOR REINT-2 SUITE OF ROOMS. EACH WITHprivate bath, on Fecoud floor of 2;7 N. J. are. s.c.Trms moderate. Excellent table; near the Cpitol. le*FOR RENT-A FIOOR OF 3 ROOMS IN NEWhouse, or will let whole house (9 rooms.) 101Rigg place, near 18th at. n.w.; cars to R andCumin. ave. it*FOR RENT-814 11TH ST. N.W., 2 LAUGE,handsome com. utfur. rooms: 2d floor; privatefaintly; nicely furnished halls; also large furnised room, suitable for two; large closets; $12per mu.; a.mi. mhI-12t*FOR tRlNT-A RWEI.NED, QUIET FAMILY OFtwo have a nnarm, pit asant room which theywould like to rent, furnished or unfurnished, onvery reasonable terms, to a lady who would paythe rent in sewing; breakfasts furnished if desimed; references. Address Mrs. A. P., Star office. IceFOR RUIENT-904 22D Sr. N.W., 2 COMMUNICATIng 2d-story rooms for light housekeeping; fur.or unfur.; bath on same flor; heat and gas.iL12-2t*LOST AND FOUND.FOUND-A GIIEYHOUND; OWNER CAN HAVEthe same by paying charges and proving property.Addares 413 K St. Market. it*LOST-FOX TERRIER DOG:3 WHITE, WITHlemon-colored marka. Return to CHAS. BAUM,416 7th at. itLOST-ABOUT FOUR WEEKS AGO, SET 07teeth of peculiar shape; also small plate withtwo teeth. Leave with Dr. IBRIGHTWELL, 12-27Pa. ave. Reward, it*LOST'-TWO HOMING PIGEONS; NUMBERS 11993T, 11994 T. Iteward1 if returned to W. K. HANDY. 1331 12th at. n.w. It*SUBURBAN PROPERTY.FORL RENT-A NEW 12-ROOM HOUSE AND 20acres of lanai; shade; pure spring and well water;at Kensington, on Met. branch Ui. & 0. also electric cars. Addrees O. BIBB BRO*N, Atty.nt-law. Gathersburg, Md- It*FOR SALE-18 ACRtES, 7-ROOM HOUSE, STABLII,ortbagood water, 8 minutes' walk from ak;-25;easy terms. 0. E. SINE, Vienna,_a- mh14-3t*FOR S-LE-AT GAITHIElSBURG, MD., AT Asucriflee, nice 7-room house, one acre ground-;ban hde and fruit; only $2,100; terms reanale; also handaome 9-room hos for rent,with furnace heat, bath, lag gr poultryhouse, barn- three minutes' walk from depotAddress LEEI M. LIPSCOMB,. Galthersburg, Md.Houses, lots and farmn for ste; Money oaned.*NOR SALEi-AT COST, 4 D)EIilABLE HOUSES,from P2,000 up, on monthly payments; vacant lotson small monthl ayents well located; 4c.fare, . and 0. L.BAKEII, Owner, Langdon.FOR SALESEVERAL HOUSES IN BROOKT-ANDat bargai rices; ami cs jmayment and balaneemontfy. RACEM. TOMAS,FOR SALE-A BEA UTIFUJL CORNER LOT - INli rooklandj; on grade and water maIn laid; a bar-' rn.T-. Al-o Ja-C lo-,ged lot, I.dit" 100 Corcoran bldg.WOR UAEE-BROOKLAND-A BARGAIN--.SX0roms cotage; prfect order; large lot; near eleetric cr- street; brick sidewalk; ol9 2,5006; ashadmonthly payments. RE.^FORD W- WALKER & SON, 1006 F. mh14d-1wt'OR SATI*-SEVERAL COUNTRY SEATS NEARChevy Chae all prces. Also plces for FULLE & FULL , 1504 11th at,WANTED-TO RENT COUNTRYf PLACE WITHnaodcrn conveniences; in good order; near electricline. Give location amnd partieulars. L. E. K,Star cee- a mhlf3-2t*.FOR RENT--HOt EP! AT "ARGYLE,.' ON PINETBranch road or what is celled 14th at. extendediall have POC MO AER IT furnacea gmneral TEK;HOpEeNO.feot drainage into MAIN SEWE!R. Rentals Indlude transportation to and from eable caSetem minutes- walk to 7th at- eleri ,arsHorses and carriages provided for at general stable at reaomakie rates, For forther ramticularst OWNER (Thoms Blagden, P O.2tFOR EZCHANOE-LAND IN THE DISTRICT OFCohnnabla; one mile above Beaning; for house incity. Address AEANDER, Star oc. mh0-6t'1WINTlI0P HEEGETS.--ATU OR RENT--.-ELu.I others wnfnseAri1, at R.station; fare, 5%e.; esmnut., 4e.; time, B min.Umsrnemad for health; excelleat water*iris. Deal with ownaer, Inquir. at P. 6LOfa0,IOMIS. fsSsw,anEENILWORB-BEYOND CHETY CHrAnSEBreasmafly situmted en Ene of electrie railayOla Le, eatemnded eantenieat to -iy *bsEsse BUILD1NG , VIlLL& T PAGEE ire sale at o puees end easy terum.Reas lull mus desired. For pls end Ia.wzara & ON. 1o0s v-aXW 9 gIT- T MO=; PRZ4M R TMb"T OF fROOMS FUB20StA eNbreft, -- == l te='*M ofat. O A, LOur"FLATS, I1718 Jrromh134t*JM RYJL G.'CAMPaErl $17 10TH ET.nw.--427 " t '" .., 5-rooapa tt fori Improvemsn. $25. o-11tFOR REITL-4rsa6rE-MOOMD FLAT; HOTwater Ieameled Mtb and suptlled with ter; 2 oor 1413 5th at. a.w.VO RiT SEC1EER STORY. 212: -14Tst. 11w.; 5 rooms and bath. Iten F. B. ', 70 Coreman bFOUR EN2 ddi-WITH FURNACE HEAT.914 2"G st. "w. Aggi toINO. MORAN,2126 Pa. ave,FOR RENT-STORES.OIL IItNT-S'1bR9 AND DWEKLNG, 488 VTHat. sew eCntaining store io::m, live other roo.1Smhl41 t A iB SEA 682 P are. ..FOIR RILNT--NEW AND' ELEGJQANT STORE, FlONTlug on two- streets; cellar, under entire store;metal calling; steam beat; 1204 G-st. and 61612th it.; 20000 feet floor ce.U1h14-st , LATIMER & lEBIT, 121 G St.FOIL RNT--CHEAP-AT $1,000 TMAR TO GOODtenant, 718 7th at. n.w.; LALIGE STORE with9-rrom dwellin, stable &.; well located forANY BUMjg. 1GE% & FAIRFAX.,mbl4-ft Tt 12th St. nw.FOL RENT--220 10Tll ST. COR. ST. N.W.1005 Bi St., near 10th st. BIoth ecellnt businessstiadi; near. farmers' wholesale market. Inquire26 IL. ave. mh13-tiFOR RENT-STORE AND DWELLING. CORNERNorth Capitol and L at.; concrete cellar; goodstand flr grocery or drug store; first-class corndition. Apply owner, HENItY FRANC,nh12-t * 401 7th at. n.w.FOR RENT-- STOREThe ESTMINS'11CR DRUG STORE, cor. 17thand Q sts. n.w., Washington. D.C., completelyequipped with shelves, counters, prescriptioncases, built especially for the purpose by Messrs.Reine Bros. of Baltimore, and handsome eazysoda fountain.This store will be rented at moderate price toright party. Apply to WILLARD & REED,Kellogg bldg., 1416 1 St. n.w.de2l-sat,tf Washingtoo, D. C.101 MENT-BY APRIL 1, 1896, LARGE DOUBLEstore, 427 and 429 7th St. n.w.; can be leased fora teim of years. Inquire of CARI J. F. GRAFF,225 4% at. n.w. fe25-eolinFOR REINT-WTOBE lg G ST.; 4 STOtIES ANDbasmeat; 25al13; bas elevator.A. A. BALLINGER, . 1422 F st- nw.FOR RENT-SToltES. b10 14th St.........351420 Pa ave w....$125 1780 Pa e w.......3021 It at ae........40 620 F st nw..........0S08 14th At...........35 1.21 7th at nw........37 17th at aw........ 922 7th at aw........153141 Pa are..........301T1IOS, 2. FISEIrt & CO..mh7-If 1124 F at. n.w.FOR RENT-120 AND 1211 PENNA. AVE N.W.;a frat (le buildIng will be erected to suit tenants. Apply to WM. STONE ABERT, 408 5thSt. LW. fellFOR RENT-OFFICES.FOR RENT-FORu BUSINESS Olt OFFICE ruRposes, lt dloor, or lst and 2d floors, with or without cellar. Inquire at premises, 5M3 12th St. nw.mhl4-3t*FOR RENT-STABLES.FOR RENT--RIOK STABLA; GOOD CONDItion; water; key 82 2d st. ta.W., of whichstable is in rear; rent reasonable. It.FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUSFOll RENT-WItMINGTON TYPEWRITElt AT THEMILNGTON OFFICE: modern nachine; perfect0-onditIon gunitanteed, with stand; delivered freein city; oss uoath applies on purchase of newwvhen direvly fuitowitn rental.WV KUF. SEAMANS & BENEDICT.delt-if Cur. 8th and F ata. Z.W.MONEY WAN TE D & TO LOAN.3 UNEY TO LOAN$3,"0, $1,500, $1,000. $500.Jute-rest, 5 and 6 l:er vent.mhl4-GL L.ii.uL:Jt & NESrv, 13:.l G St. u.w.MON E TO LUJAN IN SU3M4 'T\J SUIT AT 5 PEltcent on Wtzbwuunlun city prupert'nibl;4-tf ClialA.1is1 E&MfLY, tidl th at. n.w.WANTE3I- -ON tiOOD ltEAL ESTATE lSECURiiTY,5N00, payable in instaillnents, if preferred. Adtiress bx 4). bear othee. 1t*WE HAVE lud TO LOAN AT F PVE PHit CENTlntereat_ uy, aniount you di-sire; no delay.Apply atf . blUMES & FAWItFAX,MONEY ' ,LOAN AE 5 AND 6 PEM '.NT ONreal #sldte selnrity, in any amount; alM installinent "luftos, repiyable monthly at about ,I0 amonth per $1,0o0, including both principal and intertirt, with or WIthOUt life Insurance, wheredeath cancels the debt. Builders' loam to relinicpartIes. Rouns 5 and 6, 1201 Ia. ave. mbl4-2w*WA I-lS- 5,00AO A'1 4% I'Et CitT FiORi 1yeats, secured on iniproved city reai estate valuedat auOt 4.00,000. Address .. T. M., 0ub id at.n1 h13-2t*WANTED-A LAL OF $3,0W AT 6 l'ER CENT,secured by lirst iust oa ilnprived city real estute, desu-ably -1cale'd; no coniissiou. Address31. t., MU5 Notth Carojina ave. s.e. mh13-3E*WANT1D-TO B;lUjtoW 46,0Uo FOll 5 YEAS AT5% per cent on 1Z-room brick by respnisiblepuaty. Address Box 145, Star office. subl-3t*MIO.EY TO LOAN-LARGE SUMS AT S PElRcent, on D. C. real estate; aiall sums-525o,$510, V50, &c.-at 0 per cent.. ALI transactionsconducted with economical conalderation for burrowers. WMI. 11. SAUNLhjuLS & CO.,mT7-lm 1407 F St. n.w.TO LOANON REAL ESTATE$8,000.4,000.2,0040.1,000.600., TUOli B. WAGGAMAN,njh7-tf 017 F st. low.IioEY To LOA4 IN 81UM1 '10 SUIT, AT CUlLrent rates of interest on real estate in the daaitrict of ColumbIa.FITCH, FON & BROWN.nil12-tf 1416 G3 st. nw.3tONEY IN ZIUMII '1 SUIT AT VERYl LOWESTinterest on D.C. rual estate recurity. Fit.AK- T.ItAi WLLNGr, i.ember Washington Situck Exchangeu,1606 Paoav. (Arllngton Fire Ins. Co.'s office). 2-tfMONEY ALWAYS IN HlAND) TO LOAN ON At'proved DI)tract. real estate in sums to sult. Expense for negotiating only nomninaL. ALIlkERT F.FuX. 1,20 F st n.w. fe26-ImIlU.\Ek TO IMANONHOUSIEHOID FURNITURE, PIANOS, ORGANli,IlttiE, GAlULIAGIt, ETC.You can hare the money the day you apply forIt. diecurity retnaains in your ulaturbed posiesabon. Paymients onl Iiiicipai receIrcd at any time.which wi lessen cust of carrying the loan. Lowrates, desIrable terms, -no laubnicity, courteoustreatment.Our plan of making loans will please you.CAPITAL LOAN GUARANTEE CO.,fe24-164 002 F St. L..a oNF.Y ?0 LUlA.' ON APII'tOvSI1 CATg at lowest rates of intcrest.It. 11. T. LEWPOLD,de20-tf S. W. or. 1;ith jal F! s. L..MlONEY TU LOANIN iUM- FROM f1,090 UPWRAT LOWF' kAl'E OF INtTKE kONREAL ESTATE IN THE DISTRICT.IL. O. HOLTZMAN,er29CORL. 10TH AND F 5TS. N%.W.l'LEcNT OF? MONEY TlO LOAN AT LWUsglrites of interest, on D. O. real estate, In anysums dszed.-Loanis closed. without dlyifsecurity Ia good. WAI/fElR t. ACIKI4oe22-tf 74414th 5t. Lw.MONEYTO '1MAN ON APP'ROVI:J CITY REALestate at A peg. cent interest. Siipal privilegeswith rempeqi #eo/grior iyents.L1ar amuna aseilty.2 a tH R,-y8tf 1 307 F t. n.w.W A 8HLEGTON), RTGAGE LOAN.CO., 610 F Nt.W.Will lonur tiny sum you want, large or small,en fuinituret, pss, horses, wagons, etc., withoutremoval or toet.Any .idb With Os strictly tonfidential, andyou can gth ie #none the day you akfor it.Loans cb hepal In part or in full atantime to unit the convenience of the -orwr nany art Mad-eces the cost of carngtheloanhu r to the anent Id.MORTGG LOA C0.,MONEY TO. lWAE AT 6 AND).6 PERl CENT ONapproved Istrict real estate; no delays.1 a Mi. K. PARKEE.mh9Dje 1418 F st.; ONyTO LOANt'A!SUMSDsR,AT LO5YRATES oF 'INTEr0ON WASII RTNIEAL ESTATE.No dl iisn transacton.HO..FISHER & CO.,apStr * 1324 Pst. n.w.MONEY 'EO LOAN AT S PER ClENT ON APPROVEDDtrtrelestate; also installment loa. made.Obtrct F. H. SMITH & SONS,ap19-tI. 1418 F st. Lw.MCNEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON REALett ertyi the Diatriet ot ClnnMa; so deWABR'Nq DANENROWER,sp18-tf Cor. 13th and Gast. nLw.MONEY TO Lj 0ON AE VED REAL ESTATEda10 : - 9th5s. a..1F YOU WANT TO 3030W AN, BUV 4)32 LL seal eslte let ame,j i I rane tmw .g ,4AM).t,...IJ maw . in n u w3 FULL= & ilia 2noh a.!S RENT-FU. BY OWMU W21EOtm C9 -beb abom e" iwtlm s.t pighiindemsn, mar" (lata".o g .a r d and linen; rmes; e; * -4am rnt"shTo. Mnn== -r TY 4mmbl4t*- . UNPURR15H3D.FMR Bwr-,2 6 AND 7-BOOM RuICM - A.I.good = new osa F at. n.w.; wl give 2 wedret free If en at once.1* W. L. WnLKMON, 03 F at. aw.FOR RENT-4101 3m3MONT AVE. N.W.; 10roo=2, briek, all mod. imp ................ gsA03m X st. .w., 14 roomp, all mod. IMp. ....IS . , roomsa d .. 46.00FTR RHLT-10a 1 M PRM T W.MERYand War Dasart : S-roem -bease: a.m.i.; .13good order. 110 18th &t, n.w.- $6.10; and thsenafnratlei rooms, 1103. Apljy 224 1st at. s.e.mhI4-ttFOR RENT--DIGGO & PAIRPAX, 701 12TH N.W.1910 10th n,r,bs..40! 1702 &a av mw, 7t%.$20001 French nw,8r,ba..30 Or 3d and Q nwr,ba.Ls1518 8th 3w, 8r, ba...8212177 9th ar, fr......10204 D nw, rh..... '02 M'k et se, 5r..... 7641 L sw, Sr bric.... 20 Brook et a, Sr..10mbl4-2tFOR RENT-NEW 10-ROOM HOUSE. 1481 COLU-.bla road, $50; 10-room honse, 1700 P st. n.w., $50.TIlEO. A. HARDING,mbl4-St 1321 0 at. n.w.IN*R IIENT-WE OFFER THE FOLLOWINGHOUSES AT GREATLY REDUCED RENTS.WILL MAKE ANY NCESARY REWAIrS FORDRiIRABLE TENANTS;2026 IIILYER PLACE, 13R.,STEAM HEAT.$45.001459 14TH Mt. N.W., 10 ROOMS.......... 4.501717 14TH sr. N.W., 1i.. FUR. HEAT.. 42.i401 M ST. N.W.. 8 I O11001S............... 42.501920 15THI ST. N.W.. -14R., FUn. HEAT... 35.00..453 14TH ST N.W., 9 ROOMS........... 32.50806 H ST. N.W. 8 tOOMS ............... 30.00it SWORMS1klbD & BRADLEY. 1303 P ST.FOIR LENT6 rooms and bath, a.m.l., on Acker st. n.e..$1.507 roonis and store, a.m.L, on G st. cor. n.w.. 50.406 room and bath. a.m.L, on H at. n.w.. '8.10All In first-class crder rnd convenient to ears.Rents rednced. W.L.WIKEtSON, 63 F n.w.*I($R ltENT-404 P ST. N.W.; 6 ROOMS: PREAbRICK; BAY WINDOW' CONVENIENT TOSCHOOLS, MARKETS AND CAR LINIS; $10.50;KEYS AT STIltE. S.W. COR. 3D AND P SW.N.W. SWORMSTEDT & BRADLEY, 1309 F STrItFOR RENT-BY W. C. DUVALL, 925 F ST. N.W.1434 Q ai, 14r...405.75 49 B se, 15r...... $0.75Hotel 338 Pa av,1r.50.00 1554 Howard av nW.S2.52000 13th ni, Sr..25.40 1304 3d se, 7r.....10.302210 18th aw, Sr. .23.0 506 6th aw, lr...4.75Sto&dw 712 L so..15.00 9 0th ne, Or........25.50704 it I av nw. 6r.16.50 531 19th aw. Or....27.50FOR COILRED TENA.YS.407 Z ne, Tr......$18.0011836 E nw, 7r.....19.001513 4th nw Or 22501Ofee room, baeiment 505 E at. n.w.........18.00Omlee rooms, 3d door 505 E at. n.w..........20.00All heated by steam. itFOR RENT-UNU1RNISHED813 K at, 11r.....M.65;1418 Fla ave. Or...18.301119 0 st, 12r.....65.00 045 Acker st, 4r.. .16.30Cor 13th&Riggs.10r.05.00 123 at nw, 3r.... .15.301827 Oreg av, Or...35.00 1507 Gales t. Or... 12.J057 Quincy st.6r,new.30.50 75 Fenton at, 5r... .10.39Holnead Manor, 9r.30.00 146 Shott's alley .... 7.30704 Newark nw.10r.25.501STORES AND OICES.1023 *'th wt. store and dweli ............51.01F at. near 14th, 2d door, Sr., single or ensuite; also 2r. en suite; very cheap.1407 F at., 3 coannicating rooms, heated ...25.00619 Pa. are., 2 roons.......................30.00STABLE.Near Iowa Circle..,$20.Oltear 335 Mo av...$10.00WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO., 1407 F st.mhl4-s&w2tFOIL IENT1118 Va av,10r,mI.$300. 210 N sw. wareh..$50.00814 4% as, 6r, ami.20. 36 F s", Tr, rm..25.004J9 E hiw. Or, w&g.118.0; 701 7th aw, ut&dw.20.50705 4% sw, at&dw.2 001306 N sw. r, ami..14.30477 1 si, 6r, wa.. 1430 707 4% aw, st&dw.20.50928 C ae. 7r. aml..16.00 239 4% mw. st&dw..20.501361 D aw, Or, wa.13.04 407 4% sa, steelw..25.00813 3d aw, 6r, ra..13.50' 1)04% sir, st&dw..25.0033 M aw, Sr. wa. .10.30i 427 4% sw, st&dw..20.50313 M'Lean avOr,w.13.30 121 M se, Or, w ....11.30124 C nw. Or. ami.2'00 827 31 at.-, 1r, w...12.301249 N sw, Or, wa..15.50! 400 X se, 5r. wa...11..351 N sw, 5r. w...12.00 404 N sw. Or. wa..12.20231 F w, 5r, wa...12.00 1300 4% sw, 6r,ami.17.50488 L sw. Sr, wa..12.50 228 4% sw, s&d....25.312 2d aw, 5r, wa..14.4) D bet 3d&4% SW. stable.mhl4-3t* C. H. IAltKEL, & CO..cor. 4AE s.w.1Nail ItE\T-THE CHEAPErP AND BEST HOMDIIn the city: Or. and bath; a.m.l.; two-story baywindow; only $16.80; 1120 to 1137 6th st. n.e.It* CIIAS F. DUIIOIS & CO.. 031 F at.FOR ICENT-CHEAP! 17 H ST.: 8 ROOMS ANDbath; n.m.l.; $26.50. B. F. SAUL, 511 11th at.m1l4-StFOR BENT--CIIEAI! I) GOOD TENANT, 1342 Rat. n.w.; 10 large romns and bath; perfect condtion: lmth ro.m entirely rentted with mnodernplumbng aund lorcelain tub; Iouse graIned anpaperrcl throughout.- It. F. SA'L. 511 11th at. ItFOR iENTIltICKlif5E; 7 ROO T AT,2latrobes, range, cellar, large yard; $25.50, in advance. 67 K at. n.w. nhl4-2t*FOR RtENT-FINE WIlTE-S'TNE FRONT 10room dwelling; nearly new; all mod. impis.; veryreasonable; 2i1 0 st.: elegant neighborhood; $30.mi4-3t LATIMER & NESBIT. 1321 0 n.w.FOR IRENT1717 K st nw, 17r.208.33 916 12th at ni, 1Or....502025 Col road. 20r. ...200 1315 0 at aw, or......501723 R I av, 17r...16.67 2404 14th at nw, 10rI .&01239 Vt av nw, 14r..150 1716 13th at aw, lor..50614 13th at aw .....-! 11111 N at nw, Sr......51816 N at nw. 12r. ...1252034 tllyer pl. lOr.. .01228 M at aw, l5r... .125620 E st nw. 14r......01641 16th at nw. 11r..125 117 11 nw, st&dw, 7r..401330 N Y av aw, 12r.125 1)S N Y av, Sr........401023 Iass av, 13r... 1001748 Corcoran ow, lor.451125 10th at aw 22r. 100730 12th at nw, 9r....451436 N at air, 1r.... 1001146 17th at aw. 10r..451336 19th at aw. 12r. 100. 1400 Steughton st,9r41.671311 It I ay nw. 12r.100 635 E Cap St, llr..40.501634 S st nw, 13r. ... 100 725 ilh at nw 14r. ..40-1453Hnntington pi.16r100 620 E at nw, i4r.....401716 R I ny nw, 12r 100 1406 Chapin at aw, Sr.401610 14th at uw (store 1119 10th at nw, 10r..40and dwellingi, Or... .90 1248 11th at aw. I0r..40K at bet 9th&10th,12r.90 U331 Corcoran aw. Ur..401400 Chapin n, 13r.. .992408 14th at aw, Dr..401326 1th nw, 12r..83.33 1302 R st aw. Sr.. .S7.5018I26 I at nw. 12r..83.33N421 334 b, aw....35.502028 Hlhlyer pl, llr.83.33 1224 0th st nr. Ur..35.251644 21st at aw,12r.83.33 f1S0 20th at aw, 10r..331402 M at aw, Sr..83.33 1318 Fia ar nw. Sr... .32001 I at aw 15r.....8101237 12th at nw, r... .35U t 1401 H st nw.. .7511235 12th at nw, Sr ....35IT44Kst na , 12r. ..7511217 S at nw. 7r......35717 0th aw, s&d. llr.75;Up pt 824 12th nw. 7r.gA2020 HIllyer av nW.12r.7Si!Up pt 733 7th air, Sr.416 6th at awr, 16r... .75120063 Q at ai....28.331223-1225 D) st, 10r. ...75 233 IL St me. 1r... .27.5018441 0 at nir. 15r... .7013 N at anr, fr...25.501843 Wyoming av,15r. .65 3023 P at air. Orb .5.5061lsat nw. 16r...65182l12th at nw. Sr...258025 Nst air, 12r... .. 1 slt at seSr..251.027 N at air 12r ....5124 6th at air, Tr....25802 11th St nw, 13r... 043 Hat aiw.........255W2 E at si, 11r.619380 9t at nw. Tr. .22.85800 11th at air, 13r... .6 1443 PIerce p1. 7r. .22.502233 Q St ai.,13.....46 1727 N J av, 7.....22.504'6 11th at air. 12r. .. .06 56 0St air, 1Cr..21817 12th it nwr. 12r.. ..45!4015 8th at lai. Or... .201224 N Y av anr, 12r..60b5t28 29th at nir, Or... .24)a755 P at anr, l0r... .001125 10th1 at se, Or. .18.501315 11th at mir, 1Cr. .6012207 7tt at awr. Gr... .161634 2th st air, 12r. .0102i 30th at anr, Sr.15.30)24lit at ne,7r...600651 Acker at ne,Tr...1S1b1S 13th at air, 12r. .60 Up Pt 11919 14th ne,4r.151213 Pa av, nil, Or....0 2229-0 1st stair, Or,1621 20th at aw......0 each ............12.102108 0 at air. 13r....60' 426 5th aw,basem't,2r.122023 Hiller p1, l0r.. .001627 Pomeroy at. 4r.10.3015 o air, 10r. ...55 6133-.s37 Pomeroy,4r.10.301704 L St air 1Sr..5 1219zi N Hi av rar)....101308 R st. 10.....50l151,at se, r....For fall list of furnished houses apply at oBee.THOS. J. FISHERs & CO..mh14-tt '1.324 F st. n.w. -Fulat IEENT- 1319 10th, Cr r. ...18.301020 Pa av,12r&to110.00 723 23d1. Orbath. ..16.01737 17th, 1Cr, ml. .75.00i 2048 lG r, ml...16.801413 L.. 1rsto&eel..73.00 2803 . S., weg.,..17.50454 1), stre & Or. .05.010 23C0, Or, w....1.50201 . 12r. ml..:. .65.00 244)8 H., Gr.ira, g. .15.32005 H, 14r&sto,ml.5.010 2423 N. Or, i....15.0034t43 P., l0r, ml... .65.001820 N H av, Sr. w.14.303882 T, 11r. eel, i.5.002100 NY av',6rest,wU.o01519 31.4t, 12r, ml. .10.50.126 4th as. Or, wa.14.001135 17th, 10r.mi. .45.50' .313 La. 4r. w.14.60912 23d1. 1Cr. mit. ..44n.50 1719-21 E, Or, wra. .18.8020 4,l0rcei,yd.staz40.00 17234 " Gr, ia..*.13.10425 10th, Sr. wg. .40.00 20566 8P.1.....13.008087 K, stoeel. ..37.10 824 K. Sr, fur.13.001s7 7. , caL. mt.32.04j 1003 Jeft ay, Or. w.12.508227 T r. ml... .30.5012216 Va ave, Sr....12.502003 H, house, aep,.30.10 1527 Blennings,5r,w.12.502132 L. Sr, ml...0.5 1520 26th. 4r, ir. ..12.301706 Pa av,sto&eel.30.00I 1133 Gov't al. 6rw.10.502132 1, Sr, mi...27.G0 2112 N Y av, r, w.10.S01831 80th, ltr, mi. ..5.50j 923-24 St Pa' et,1333 U. 7r, ml....25.501 4r, i.......10.501000 20th, Or, stre.5.0 1* Va av, 4r, r. .10.10162 19th,Sr&b,w,g.00 412 Ia ave, cmes1513 Colaumbla, tr. .22.10 rcoms..........a, 102428 K, r.... 5 *T7 i tr,.... ...10.00174-6 r, =1. 5 2T10 (( r....10.0010 se,6r,mi.20.3uI 3)6Sira avMr.10.001427 35th. Or. ml. ..20.30j 2714 K, 4r...101235 30th, Or. ..18.10W00T1'& W1ELifK. 1907 Pa. ara,mhl4-s,to&th.FOR RENT-TWO rie-STOIY rAND BaASarENTbrIck, 12-room dwellngs, in complete order: No.423 and 425 4th .t., ojposite cor''hones,Judiary Park; del ghtful location; redneed to$45. JOHN L. WEAV , cr. F andi 8th als. n.w.mhl4-s,tu,th-3tOR BEN'$-RENTS REDUCED.1419 3 n.w., $115; 1629 4 a.u., $12; 1128 26 n.w.$2; 1248 Wylie n.e., $10; 14129 3 n.e., $9; 94hettle a.w., $5. E. A. McIN3TIRE, 224 0 at. n.w.mhl4-StFOR RENT--BY JOHN QUINN. 447 THl S1'. ae,Sr,aml4t&d.8415 431 7th sw,8r,sad.$42.872300 I st air, 7r, nml.20 487th sir, store rm. .2832 Bast sir, Tr, S&d.20 4681Md av, 7,aml...20230 4% at sir. 7r. a&d.25 221 Hi St sir,.r amni.16414 D) st ne, 7r.aml.f5.50 238 4% at Sir, S.aml.161.12 4% st ser, Tr, aml.2.j 1226 N J a, se,Oru.13319 31 at ase, rwa1.0115 F sir,6r.wa&sla, .3135G st ae, 6r a.0Stab'e Ee, 16 stall.....10FOR RENT-GUO. B. EM310NS & 00.,1216 b' at. n.w.18s Ore av niv,12r$30.00 s745 S air, Yr.$...oo02141 N air, 1kr..-..45.0 lOSS B ma, Or...41312 W Dir, 12r.. .38.0 111 Ojaltsenta ner,Sr18.001388 W ni, 12r...88.0 441 R I a, air, Sr. .17.01314 W air, l0r.. .35.0 112.316 Meaan.a,245 W ir, 1kr...32.59 se, Sr-.........15593S05E I a aw, 'Or.30.0 1415 H Or..14340.. Eae, 1r.... 60 3.1 rae-ter......60153 - le,1.... 35 -(jit2h sir. Er. .10.30asIm ,. .k _t .*51.0a 2me w. r. a g a....__ ....a831 lOia . .. Q1on a3me-N&a sam AND am.= wz.I 6ku asem a6 bets; b in eQbt s n eil 64r Qeps1.1' 111 st- 3ss4, Wa.- et, - a. -mEN 93616L ese L s, ......10.9Mn r e u 29 a...ae24 I 4b ......7AB 6 M me. ait.... 56144 SME -e,f. -2 M re, ...m8agu me. 4mb- am ce, 3f...1ThEO. B. rANM. 31 4% St. a.MR RET-arY xAS r. SHEA, 62 PA. AV. .W.127 Mas at =.231 F at aw. Sr...12205:14th sw. .... 317 1Mb at me, Sr..11.86O7 St me, gr ....15.00 1345 4% st ow. Br..10.0425 eat 9W. Or....14.30 UT D st ow, 4r ....1.:182 4% at Si dr..14.30 19thfla ay aw.0t..8.022 a 13th em, Sr...6. 1"a N a m , r..6.86mhtftMR UM T- 11E. t1m., NEW......$0.42t.r.-. 2 P, Sr. aml...22.4*70o 20th, 6'r br.am050.0! aM C ne. Sr. aml..27.0643)m , sr.......1 ' LADIom Park. Sr..15.011.T ATISI & .NE.lT, 1321 G St.NOR RENT-BY jAMiBGJ. IM1i.603 F St. a.w.On 4th Ew. 10r.b.$W0.00 1612 lat mwSr.b.ueW2.206#7 M4 av me, 10r.b.40.O 141 Md ar me.6r,6..16.208 B e9rob(tab)..32.50 2 34 me, 01413 Cal Mw.6r.b.... 2.60 330 L ow. r......10.t75 N Y a Me.9r.b...22.16,mhl4-2t*FOR RENT- C E 101........ . .$4116 C me, 17r.. -.340.0,124 3d me. r..1.SS917 E Cap, 9r......30.90 15 9tb me, 6r. 100423 Gth se. Or ....35.00 Waruue, r.....10.00402 NJ ae, 9r.... M5! 1130 me, Or........t.00223 E me,. Or......22.0 910 15th se. Or......9.00mhl4-3t* WELFLEY & WImM.. 302 E. Ckp.F0L IiKT-.JUl L - -EAVEE,Cow. a and Ith sam m.6s 9th aw, cafe 1724 14th aw, Sr...5.60am6 12.........3125.00133 Irte. .UI1. er.3&.51722 14th aw,ste&r.36.0030 apmce. 1P.r.1801r S at. Sr......0 494 lst hGr...... M3423 4th mu. 12r ....45.j 332 Im. ME'. or45 4th at m, 1M.45. "lteo..........1.3ills H ne steow.M .40 -3 , I . a r..17.51511 8 aw, 1r..... 0.00 Em rus. n1410 4tougbtom, or. ..00 - Ow. lot Neer.....o.40841 13i ma. 2r. 2... 515 14th U14 or... .3431t25 .ume alt. Sr..23.G 1011-17 UM oe. Or. .u.Ma19 Spruce. 1OP.r.23.0ahl4-tfFOR lRENT- 1301 m e. aLd. $22.501312 13th Lw. 10r.$OA 1819 M w. Or.... 18.3w1225 N mw, M2... 5.00 1376 LHme, &d.. 17.561746 Ore a, l1r.. 55.00 16 Vt ar. Or.... 18.50123 N Y av. Sr.. 50.94 639 Acker me. Sr.. 1,.01706 E aw, wareb. 50.00 1209 I me. Or..... 1362 M aw, lOr..... 42.00 1M Piee w. r. 14.80224 13th sw. 14r.. 35.30 1124 F me. Tr.... 14.W1619 19th mw, 12r. 30.00 2132 8th mw. Dr.. 13.16146 H ne, st&dw. 25.00 336 Wilecn aw. 6r. 12.001700 Vt ar, store. 25.00 30 L mu, Or..... 9.0OCAYWOOD & GARRElT, 13th at. and N.Y. aT. m.W.mhI4-3t*FOR RNT-1345 L HT. N.W.; 14 ROOMS: MODera Improvemento; south Det; mut reduend.24 D at. u.w.; 10 rooms; 3 stories and basement;coal rault; alley. M. KE3M, 802 Md. are. m.e. It*FOR RENT150 8th St. n.w., 11 rooms. i mod. Imp*.newly repaired inmide and out..............$0.001525 8th St. n.w.. 9 roms., all mod. imps.... 37.020 & 261 N at. n.w.. 10 ems., all mod. Imp. 36.50821 M at. n.w., 11 rooms, all mod. imp.,.... 4.0:M7 l1th at. o.w., 6 roam.all mcd.Imp.. only. 20.00444 9 at. n.w.. 6 rooms, water and bath, ret.. 18.50.FulL list "'Por Renoa' at asiee.mkl4-3U CHAN. S. SHREVE, 1000 7th at. a.w.FOR RENT-1614 5TH ST. N.W.; TWO-STORYbrick; 6 room. and bath: ball. cellar, latrohe,rage, hot and cold water; parking and deep backra; rent. $2D. M. D. PEC. 934 F at. mbl4tFOR RENT-911 H ST. N.W.; 4-STOtY BUICK;11 room, and bath; 2-story brick stable ia rear.Also 24 13th st. ow.; 14 orns; owner, CIAR. 0. DUNCA]ON, gastS. n.W. Ja18-M4tFOR RENT- 10.30... 152 3d aw. Or.6.,. 1322 L se, 4r. :M.30..... 236 Em. Or........1310 D an. Or. .40....1l9tH me. Tr..3620 P. 4r. .40 32 aw. Tr.. 21st, s 6re. 20.4....208 Arthur, TO.V7 ... Krasmer, Dr. 4......730 24th, Or..517 Sheridan ow,5r. .....630 A se, Or........1313 3d sw. fr. E80.1425 P.mre pl. Or.......2067 7th ow. 4r. .80...39 L M, Or.8.30......13 N se. 6.. W90..22 Mus aw. Tr.$9.. 1239 25th St. Sr. 822..46 Wash mu. or.....28 Fenton ow. 4r. 325...... .321 praesm or..238 6th aw. or . .....07 Fla ae. Ir.. ...51 15th st, 4r.1 -35........1213 T. 7r.$10........12 1 se. br. J 40... .613 3a aT. hr.$10..........1630 U. 4r.! 5.40. .3 eney M. 7r.501......162 fluren. Dr. $30....... 1 Vt ar, Sr.$10.30.-. Fenton ne, 4r. $30....1112 3 aw. stose.10.30.343 McLean at.5r. $ .....910 0 aw, 7r.10.50..3(4 nw. sto. 2.3.. 1238 8th aw. 7r.12......1019 H me. Sr. W. .1179 N H av. 7r.12......410 - aw, store. M..1019 th Maw. Or.12.30.2128 10th aw. Or. .....230 Ind are. Ur.$12.50.... 1312 3d se, 7r. .... 224 13th sw. 14r.Sz.MUU.411 Warner at. Sr. .... 102 7th aw, .a"$13 ......323 7th me, Sr. .0..22 Maple at. or.313.30.. .715 10th me Or. .50 ....2006 14th. 19r.$13.30... .918 3d me. 6r. .10..1406 11th mw. 9r.514........S C e. Sr. x40. ...722 21st aw. r.14.30. .2210 Maewed, Or. $40.6.r.1.2 9a at, Sr.14.40...1704 Seat-m. fr. .50.. .33 E Cap, tr.15.31........455 P. 6r. -40 ....21s C M, ar.15.30....9223d me, -. .50... .13 l , 1r.15.30..1847 sth m. sr. 4AS.. .1410 N M, 1r.15.35...927 12th ow, 4r.645.70... 14'07 th, Sr.$10......1111 It nu, Gr. $3.5:.-1710 V aw. lzr10.15u 12th me. Gr. $00.61. .223 Wib'h Cir.$1650.. .808 10th Re. 7r.w .40...2207 K Il. 1er$16.50. 325 Mman Mw Gr. WA..O2 HI ow. 1kr&6.8....1120 6th me. Tr. ..07 7th ow. st&dw.17 ......... S7 L , r .$75.....-7 D aw, rt&dar.18 M nw. 6r. 75...612 N Cap, war-h.$18.30..436 Wash's, 5r.1 .? oanoke tr. 12r.18.3U..1328 4% mw. sto. .....101 K mw. 12r.18.30..1834 ti% av.. $83.34.501 12th m. 5r.18.35....126 .w. M 100. ..1808 H nw, 15r.$18.50..432 10th me. Or. 11.....1312 Eat, ad.S1u.40..62" 8 C are 6r.w I at aw. .e5m. -$20......Kesingto, Ti.mhl4-eo B. H. WARNYM & 00., 916 F St.IOE RENT-BY W. H. BARNI* & CO.,62 F St. m.w.522 6th ouw.12r.m1.75.00 414 Elm aw. Ormi.17.001722 Corcoran u,9rj5.001535 5th nw. Or ..... 0725 lt wM,12rml..45.00 502 D me. Or, mi.. .16.014510a:eoran nw,13r40.ft13 13th ne, 6r. ml.16.50108 E aw, Xr, mi. .35.G0 511-18 Tena av me,6r16.de208 T mw, Or, ml..35.50182 4enton me. 12.0033 B aw. Sr. ml.. .30.50Spring cottage, Be1516-18 5th nw,8r..25.50 mings, 1 C-.....8.001940 5th ow, 7r,m1.25.3 FLATS.1928 6th aw, 8r,m.22.30 220 Pa ar se,4r.mI$3.00227-233 13th sw,Pr.22.50 STABL.527 F me, 6r, ml...20.80 Br 51 D me, 12 stansb.$l227 0 nw, r. mi..2 .00Ur 200 12 sw.2 stanliS.50BrentwooA road, 6- Rr 40M I I at. 2 stalls.5room cottage.....20.00 OFFP ROOMS.528 Tmen ar me, Or BaltIe ,1mg.anl stable, ml... .17.80 Capital Bank 1111gIt Typographical Temple.FOR RENT- 14 Vt at mu. Si.2.50Sl3 Gaw.16 10. ..... 910 7th me, Sr...122u2 Dl Cr ae:1r.. .35 1815 19th at mu.....80000 N 0 at 11: lrb.4t 1819 Owag av.10i1137 Sth mu, 8&....351 1240 Union sw. Sr..11.301211 S at mu, Oreb...350c room 1307 F .t.50940 1 st nr. lirk)....4512S5 H at me, 5atw. ..l0Funished house, 'em. Park, 12r.. a.m.l. .. .80fe)-18t* TYlR & IUTHBatI'RD. 1307 F at.FOR RENT1901 N at. mLw.. per amnm..........$1,gg.001514 R at. .u., per amomth..............8401627 R at. Lw., per amouth...............5.00162 a t. L.W., pen moath..............50.801631 R at. n.w., per amouth..............0.001023 B m. Lw., per amouth..............50.001325 Rt at. mw., per mouth.............50.802016 H st. n.w., per month..............0.00814 298 at. nLw.. per mouth (store)...1.00,2162 8th St. Lw., per amouth. ...........15.80mnrthe abiote aze same very desiraldehousme, oRered at a lee. price than evew boefere.3AIIER A. BATI & 0O.,mhI4&21-2t 1407 3' at. Lw.iFRIiT1234 Mlasa av,16r.$101.O4; 1701 P mu, aml. 13r467.60319 C at mu, ml.15r.O6.13:1700 L mu, ml, 12.30520010 G mwmi,13r. .50.00:804 K mu, mli, 13r.45.00615IlaWat w.mi,10r42.50:46 1 mu, ml. 16r. .40.7342NY aW mu,mi,11i60.00 410 Mas,8r.28.50618 B mu, ml, Or. .28.50 41INY at mwml.l0r25.50531 Fla LW mw,ml,9r25.40: 119 Oil mu, ml.8r.5.30462 P ow, ml, 10r. .25.00' 45 1St me, ml, 7r. .20.30905 Flu av mwml.7:'0.40.1422 T mu, ml, 6r. .20.301421 11th 200 7th me, aml. 6r.20.3611 3 aw. ad, 7r. .19.001116 B ae, ml, Sr. .18.30613 11th uu, ml.9r.IS83. 223 K me, ml. 7r... 18.301124 G me, ml, Sr. .17.001610 4th mm, Or... .11.802221 (1ev av awO.6r.1 43 P at me, 7r...15.062 Scott at mu. 7r. .15. 001 Umocola mu. Or.14.501626 Superior nu,813.80 13 C st sw. Br.1331522 3d1 nu, 4r...1 IS ==em sr uw.6r12.50Balance of list In "Tlmes." Call at oeie forfull list. A. S. (JAYWOOD, 933 9th St. mLw.mhI4t*POR RNDIT--t28 4% 3.W'.. ST *11W.. 71t. ..te331 K mu, Sr.$..10.50 613 Halt ow, 4r... .9.0023B H aw, er, ba. .15.00 138 Unionmu w .12.00328 H su, Sr..12.50j 4L.% hstamw ..r ... 1t3862 H mu, Sr, bath.13.30 819' 2d aw. Or...12.0314 P mu, 4r....12.50i315 Va at ser, Sr. .12.0706 3d mu, 3r....8.001B.IBDNARD.5U0 4% ..mh14-3t*FOR REUNT--CillIIRArLY 7WCATED) BRICE, 916N. Y. at. 12 rooms, tue baths, theum largeyazd, Sr; . Iag amimem brieb. 11tat. n.w.; 1emmbh, elar r., wIthlrgpares; meitable fur bam.; gM. eatbika1 t. mLu.; 12 teem., tue ath, ea decorat nh&c.; $10. Brick. 153 Coroornm St.; Srom, h c.; elegantpair; $65, ArmannP. FOX, 920 P at. a.w. .mba4tIFOR RENT-RDUD TO $4.0: NO. 491 K8T. N.W.; DUiLIGHTFUE. 00N 1OUii; g110018 AND) BATH: ETRY ROOM BRIGHTAND CiMRIL; PamKrw0 FRONT AND) 531,amb11-4t SWORMBTED1' & BRADLEY. 1393 F ST.FOR RENT924238 at, 10reb. .$SS.M 63 lt St me. Sr.. .13.01601 Learel are, Mt 1121 Harvard .80Pleat. 12raml.00.0 2716 Poglar at, .251709 1ath St, 11:4h.40.'J0 2m 19th at lenab. 18.593112Q st av. Sreb.0.IS0 916 C at ma, ..841 t 1te. . .40.9 1337 30th at, 7r... .15.0613.6.., Mi, 10r,5a.5.6 1033 4th me. 4wv. .10.811IBsmtms,Ta1b..22.0 3m Eatme,4wrte...g.301907 11th at 7,4k. .22.5 Rr 1754 K r (e4 p.8mhll 1t .3 DAVIS & 00.. 3 P at. a..FOR RENT--RENTS RU)U()B1000 26th rnaw 00412 Haet, 6r.. .36.591328 Oreg arS 5413 8 je 4r.. .10.8606 20th, ...b..S l Ma . ...10.40 N H at, Sreb. .20.0 1716 Eases et,4rwaj.b62S Cm.e Srab.1.... 2132 N Tea, 4romL9.32212 Va at. Or, wa.17.891 2130 N T at Sr. wa.*.30Ti' i..&::::M EI",s.a:t2H8..w. Sr. wa.1.301184..e,.r...79Stable r"r 33 I9lh.15.5334 me. Sr....76565 23,6. i a....13013m. Sr....7333526. Sr. us... .12.0 ier am i t, ir..6s.189 B mu, Si u...8. lEges smense, s. .282 aets, s-.3.4m . W. rWarwaaenR atik.mum7 t t. m.-u ' .Mg miin- nea n06sSM... MWa'tB em -....list . ..... ...u81 N e. or.e ...... ..temn. 4at. ort. .. CAN .. r. .-r a... os . .sesa Ma. .. .4 ..-- *41 atoo ... 4016 Q a .2 ....uw v m fi ::m me. .a,trn ia.. Mr.. .. m. ;,.$ft to . e - se a ns a6 , am n .*401 am a,aes B. ........annm.,e.M r Er..e18Me m. 4 u .... Er...a.01483m sems5t"hm ammamhamE r **3r3 e.l5r. IOU, eTW .. E..rU-''" em. -4M so .. e . i 4.. v i...806me seae.....g .635 e *,..5Sa 3....aler. .?e.. as. sas3. .. a. . 8 ..M.......218tIm aw. ..... as. ... ... E.r...Ep1114 Tit. O.e Cla BOTRA.1hee 4 no la ......ISat. l. b..- aa.. ar1u1. s1-nl a rt . . s 19 Se ........ W.......ft 0Ion IF at_ . 3rSessio....:... .... .........8Al60UMr....2.= s1 a11 r... ... .est4&dwg me M faw me t716 G3t . ..... M-4014, 3 m a.. . mum ................... .amu4A a.t o .. a a a s.e........ . D12112 C S 1h we. er !tadw 1. 8 ..a.30524ataw G .. 6-0 ukq a......M 4myS Q t., r ...S. . eW so.. .Utd 38th w. . c at 1 aw . .Ste6adm 00 v 8.6 4 12th i w73.PMaU10 N J aw atm 12. 2 our 663 F. 3r. .35.0m'.........2A6 Singsdag Se er 2S64 Q at aw. Sr....5.5, at n Sw. r.....21.M13B N C arswe, r..5.0 te &o8 4%. er..5M.030 21 at aw. er.. .5.00 sgta'ee g2 H ... t46 K at aw. Er....2.6 Steel 7eoX, 4m11B st aw. 7th at .....181 N I av aw, Or.2.S0Stege 4 te72 I at oe, Er...z..0 at owr .r.. ..531 at ow. Sr. ..1..0 a StAlug we r t.4UMs at ae, Sr..5 St & 0. awe. Sr..n.q52 2st atpa. Or...0 St ear 42 4% a1707 8th at .r.................9.4426 K st aw. r.. 350.8 to & Ug lo E sles4011 Xth at aw. Sr. .20. 0 . r .........15210 N H a. r. r..6A bet KIM 2 &1t L at w. Er.. .20. ' 1 aW.............15.0222214th t 1.r.1I.J e snasta 20 1av 2 .th at iw. r..0 at a e..........15.2a4 th t mer. Er.8.0 St. Wil 2t aE ... 10521 N Cas at. Er.. .18.30 Bear 34 C iv421 t at W. .T.... 1.60 (qmItedLy) -......03138 34 at 1&, Er..17.8 8&wae 4r'r 131513y13 V st . nr.. .15.0 to 1321 llet sra..em1I N St aw. Tr... .146'R'r 1416 K W.. .15.2186 D a SW, ar.. A. oret 3&K. andh.Ste&dwg 414 0th at 2ISt atm w.O.....16.0Ai per ye.2.S.15' 0 CFla..9eSte&2 rai Be P r swe5Sema 7thave Maw........15.60 1t me. ....1Bait s eor 11th& R'r 656 ua. r...St aw.... - -..76 h o'r ST ...... .StIad 12 Ia av,9r.75.50 Br 2t4% sr......6my book.. For t i Wat eo. Or..11Murned em the an[ nd 3 Xth. -mh-tu.the T. E. WAGGAXAN. 017 F m..FOR RENT- %AM K Aw. Sr. us..50Z1330 lta. aw. or.aml.5 304 P' St es. er... .16.202 ilnyr 377 Fla av me r...6401t M iv. Sr. amm.42.50 112 16th ue. Sr.15.861920 35th iv, ttr.amt.35 83 12th me, Sr.13.001455 14th, ter. amt.45.S0 411 12th s, Er. .31453 14th aw, a1r.aat.35 706 12th .. . . r. .137 Mass a. . mi.30 246 N aw, Sr.......It-a.t.&th - . I 13. F121.POB BENT-- E DEtERAtI2 DWWi.AANG.10 seema, a mYl.. -ert-ca. eamittem, mes3110tmuitsma titata. C. B. MUin, Ut. Paawe- mnh7-tt1734 (Crcraa St., 12r.ab..........42t 6th St., 21r.b....................1.. 91422 L at., Ir.m....................1.01106-tit 6th st. m.,. l2r. & State..........6.0100 N. C. ae. a.e.. Tr.b........... ......g. IL, 40 13th a.IlnR RENT ---12 MA85 12-a 1d .e. 6r .....10.50av aw. ltr&h .....- -- COAORI TENANTII.20051 aw. 1reb..$53.P0 1325 1th uaw. Sr..518.251446 B I ave.......-- 1416 6th mw, Sr... .14.30474 0 wv, &2rb.. .33.0 266 F'a a-. r. ...416.01707 13th uw.1:td.--- IS 2lth me. Or... 14.5721 4th aP. Eadtb ...31.50 a lialtimer., r.... .10.301708 4th nw. gr .... 16.64 222A Eomsrey t. 4r.9.301524 N4..0r.14.00 1216% 2 %u. Sr...7.50Omsr 814th .12.60 'The ttamtea." ruanus.mh1143-tr ff. I.. RItTr. 6:ss 114th at. aL..FOR ItEIOr-1IT 11 PA. AV. N.W. EIlTER$.11.1837 P at aw,12r..$t.0 EZ Fure -r w.7r..13.40633 2d me. r. sta. .22.0-4 16Ai King me. 4r... 6.401211 4th mu. 7r ....30.3 421 11th , . attce rt.- nb13-2t WHAJAM K. E3AS.. -a2= 1ith ma.FINR RENT-iH s-r e-nant BRECK DWE3.1.Ing 3m this city tor the pgie; $10.8 Mer 4a.;7th at. cable car tls aw. I. A. I'HEKA.142 New T* are. mhl33tFEXR JL&\-T --.M 1140W I'Ris0DP '71EAST.B.-W. hr.. 7r., a.m.t., stabic. 701 A St. ae. .&U.407.3 7th at. s.0., 7 lenms, a.m.t..............04752 7th st. s.o.. bick...................... 86n756 7th at. s.e.. S-mon brk-k................ W.6-room brick. m.t.. 1eth at. mear 3d. sae. a.. 14.321 1 a.... 7?-rem frame (hathi. Sta. in rear. 12.461316 l1th at. s.e., 6-ream trick...........11.601318 lith St. &P.. S5-room brick............. 11S-roam tramp, Va. are. near 4th at. s....... 123Ir. b.-w. br.. a.m.l.. mext lith ane K .e... 35.4Hlansome larg store room, bWst locatim anCasuitol Hill. 2ll Pa. ave. s.*............ .0JOHN 31. ODNNA.,826 Pa. awe. s.e.,mblS-2t Nar Natteual 4tial flaskFOB RENT-BARGhAIN -- FURtNltatttE 3601aarthwest; S moeams al bath tar gutes at hoemeijAmen w630 erth lekig . WALEBA. RW?.,14 Eb. ac. mhb34tStOR RT -BRICK STURB, 424 15l3E 3T.Bridk deelilg 128 6th a. mw.. 5 ueem.pBlrk dweg 361 1t at. a... 5 meama. 406Brick dueln.1330 V t a. w.. S seemu. .52.6Brik StrH0 K a. mce..........Frame dwsttIag. 738 WhI av.... w.M__33 LUSP SHOEMAX MPs.awSOB RENT-EST P31 9'EL AP'RL i gpersmnat teusat, after that 1PS6amath-Nic. S-stry tesser htch dweksal F atm. me.; 6 reoms at bt-tidle at teat; a.m.t.; wide muskIneleatedh streig tra imese. gl to L. W.BU3RKHI r., fi Pa. ae. a.. nhl24t*FO RENT iBtZ SC BEME; 8 B8003and bath; 1517 12th a. ivw;32.60. Aggly to J250. A. GR5.1516 1St. m.3'. il2-i1721 9 t. mw.. Bar., 11 sem...........1813 21t . a.w.. fur., 0 eamo.........60182'ar Rat. muw.. 3 meum 6........ 0,515 mw., 5 semas.................60222 N at. asw..0 rooem, new............6*110012t at a.. Winidad.... . ... ss... .........5.5710 L at. a.e., S ream=....................22019 Gales mt. me.. S teems................Cell at elmee and get a complete lISt. mbll.4tFOB RENT-LABOGE lia. RO('3216 tnd. are. 5..OUSty per manth.mhbl2-tt U.MINK 145 P sw.POB RENT-0 .5 F 61!. K.W.; 4 30mand. iam.; emBtm p.3. 1509 Iastamw.; Er. af muad. imps.; .17. W. C. 3061NlION. 1iS 13th a. mw. (aU-3mFOB RENT-WEETUN & BlAtE (R & O4COrrIe, a bieautinal new hause, at kue getce: Ssab4-15 6 14th a. mw.FOB REN-AN 66.sanA3IT Pi'RnnBREix*Eteswaatoe (ut bins. Jttemp0tet;15Jat.; 0 meama and hath; entast mateeSOHN WAVER.F mat 6th Se. m..SOR RENTThe haSt S-seen batch dewsm US dbemBar the gee, 633.80 uer amh; -usatheuqbuat, mat to Cstdem oepair. Be. USLa s. mw. Uuulk boMt heSt aml ar m Gvwme a FAIRFAX,.mld-tf 156 12th a. m..FOB RENT-THER minE XK.Sona AND gggEhmv-wlrh.. belch mban US. tarthe pies; 635.0 ger mssh; -uaUSeen amprs mps am in am-tSE msat.1r as t. amw.AtS. w. inaiGB,mho-tt ete iath a. a.y.'Em m- 28 Deanme.1607 Rear. Er.6.*tBasum amu *.1.- e Q'. 8..l ...h ..FOB 330it-E88 K S. NBt; a000UmEa.. m V a. mmiT-owLT 6.0% O 6. SO ?1ml aidng ; a. m e.sam SE CIM *15 a - - .W.emu 2ff7e9595c

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